Welcome to the Dirt Donkey’s Riding Club
Washington and Stoddard NH

Washington and Stoddard NH
The Dirt Donkeys Riding Club is the NH state approved trade name of the OHRV club founded as part of the Wild Lake Association.
The Wild lake Association is a 501(C)3 charitable organization owning 404+ acres of land in the towns of Washington and Stoddard NH.
The property we own, and maintain, boarders Valley Road in Washington and Stoddard NH. There are 3 Primary access points.
Two are on Valley Road and are marked currently with Wild Lake signage. Both are also marker with Trail Parking signs. The third access is off Barden Pond Road and is shown on snowmobile maps. We completed a complete GPS Mapping of the trail system on 6/28/20 .
We received signage from the state and have posted Our trails and parking areas.
Our outer loop trail has a section that is current closed by a abutting property owner. We are working on a rerouting solution and have marked the new trail. It is Still pretty rough and not ready for UTV’s just yet. It is passable for ATV’s and single track . We have volunteers working on widening and moving some of the terrain obstacles.
It is important that all riders keep on the trails and respect the property of the owners who provide us with access to their property.
The club promotes and encourages OHRV activities in the towns of Washington and Stoddard NH, specifically on property owned by the Wild Lake Association and its abutters, who allow access for OHRV activities.
We maintain trails on the 404+ acres of land as well as trails with permission from land owners which provides the opportunity for riders of all skill levels to come and ride. Our “Figure 8” area , located on Jim and Terry Lane (One fo the entrances to the property), is just the place to
come for new riders to learn how to ride safely, in various conditions, and allows for close supervision..
We Completed a complete GPS mapping of our trail system and worked with the Town of Washington to provide a complete town wide map that shows where ATV and UTV use is permitted. That map is posted here on our site. Hard copies are available for purchase at the Washington Town Hall.
The Town of Washington has a OHRV ordinance that allows UTV’s on most town roads. Please review the Town of Washington OHRV information in the link below.
Please note UTV‘S and ATVS, registered as OHRV’s, are not currently allowed on Route 31.
The Club is an approved NH OHRV club by the NH Bureau of Trails.
You can join the Dirt Donkeys Riding Club and receive a CLUB Member ID that provides a $30 registration discount for each OHRV you register through the Club Membership Program (CMP).
Club Memberships are $30 for an individual and $45 For a family.
Club Membership can be purchased and updated online by clicking the join us link opn our home page. It will bring you directly to the state club registration page Whichg will ask to verify your email address bu sending you an link to click directly to your email address.
Club donations, which are tax deductible, can also be submitted using the same link on our home page and are fully tax deductible.
The funds will assist with the costs to maintain our property, pay taxes, insurance, and make improvements.
In 2023 the club upgraded and expanded many of our trails with hundreds of hours of machine time. A portion of our time was funded by the NH State Grant in Aid program. We also appreciate the volunteers that worked tirelessly to improve riding conditions ion the area.
Sign up to hear from us about Updates and Events.
2447 Valley Road (Highland Lake Association Pavilion) , Stoddard, New Hampshire 03280, United States
Join the Dirt Donkeys OHRV Club for $30 as an Individual or $45 for a full family and save $30 for each of your NH OHRV Registrations. It is the easiest way to make sure funds go to OHRV clubs to enhance your riding experiences.
Please note the NEW State OHRV Club registration site will ask for an email address and send a link to verify your email before allowing you to join a club.
Please do not ride in the Andorra Forest or in any area or trail not specifically approved for OHRV use.